Aaron der Schaedel's

In Progress List

Tabletop RPGs that Aaron is planning on making videos for, along with their current progress and other notes. (This is as much for Aaron's reference as it is for his viewers.)

Last updated

System Topic Status Notes
Fabula Ultima High Fantasy Atlas Researching None
Fabula Ultima Techno Fantasy Atlas Researching None
Exalted Crafting and Sorcerous Workings Planning Will be released alongside Exigents
Exalted Exigents Planning Taking Place of Abyssals
Exalted Sidereals Planning Will be released alongside Exigents
Exalted Essence Basics et al Planning None
Shadowrun 5e Street Grimoire (Magic Splatbook) Planning None
Shadowrun 6e Double Clutch (Rigger Splatbook) Planning None
Cyberpunk RED Basics Editting None
Cyberpunk RED Combat Editting None
Cyberpunk RED Role Abilities Editting None
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit Review Reseraching Technically a part of Cyberpunk RED
Summon Skate Basics et al Researching None
Dungeon Crawl Classics Basics et al Researching Possibly to be broken up upon finishing notes
GURPS 4e Grappling Editting From the Core Rules Only
Cursed Captains of Cthulhu Basics Reseraching Was provided a review copy, may be broken up
Panic at the Dojo Basics et al Scripting May be broken up.
Heart: The City Beneath Basics et al Reseraching May be broken up.
Fate: Core System Basics, Thoughts Scripting None
Fate: System Toolkit Review Researching None
TIME WIZARDS!!! “¡mientras tanto, los MAGOS DEL TIEMPO!” Completed Oh? Are you in the wrong timeline?